Not many people are aware that Texas actually has a casino in it (cue Dolly Parton). This is the kick-off spot in a campaign called The Luckiest Spot in Texas that, quite literally, puts Naskila Gaming on the map.
The romance! The queso! The poster series that reflects the bodice-ripping deliciousness of Pappasitos! Menu design and telenovela-inspired radio rounded out this Legendary Tex-Mex campaign.
Since Phillips 66 sponsors a lot of sporting events and college teams, this print campaign touting high performance ran in multiple game day programs throughout the country.
It’s no secret cats are insane. And the tiniest deviation from their day-to-day routines can send them spiraling into a cycle of despair and dismay. Luckily, Comfort Zone cat pheromone products help ease their troubles.
What with streaming and iPods and our attention spans dwindling to the size of gnats, we simply listen to stuff differently these days. Consequently, radio spots just ain’t what they used to be. Seems like the days of creative, fun and entertaining spots have gone the way of the VHS. It’s a shame, because they certainly don’t have to. In the meantime, enjoy this big ol’ pile of spots that hearken back to the days of dialog, jingles and fun.
LTOs and seasonal promotions were the order of the day for these Cafe Express boards and signage.
Here’s a taste of the awesome 5 year run I had with Drive Time. Yeah, the spots are a bit dated (as in, definitely not high def and in 4:3 no less!), but I think they’ve got the goods in terms of strong messaging and branding. As an added bonus, that’s me on VO.
Some print and outdoor from an award-winning campaign for everyone’s favorite Swedish put-it-together-yourself furniture store. I put these together myself, along with some awesome art directors I’ve had the privilege to work with.
Installoy was a new addition to the Texas Pipe & Supply family of companies. They needed a memorable way to get their name out while standing out in the industrial trade pubs. The “party name tag” worked out quite nicely. The bottom three ads were concepts for the next round that sadly didn’t happen. Hence, the Greeking.
Local car dealers tend to want to shout about treating you like family. Sometimes, in spite of all that, they let you sell the cars themselves.
Outdoor campaign touting the tenth anniversary of Houston’s largest community bank.
Dodson Global are expert at what they do. This B2B campaign makes that abundantly clear while presenting a bold and unconventional look for the extremely staid oil & gas pubs.
At nearly 100 years old, James Coney Island is a true Houston institution. After a “slight” name change to JCI Grill, the restaurant needed an advertising refresh as well. These pieces are part of the Taking the Frank Further campaign.
Comprehensive project for the launch of an all-new mattress brand. Campaign included print, outdoor, TV, expainer video, trade show booth graphics, and brochures. I even named the various models. Not the hot-chicks-lying-on-the-unmade-bed variety, but you know, the range of mattresses they offer.
Print and posters for sister olive oil brands. Carapelli is rather refined and formal, while Bertolli, Extra Virgin no less, is more the fun one, always ready to indulge in a wicked lost weekend.
Here are couple of campaigns for an awesome fishing resort on Copano Bay. Sadly, it is no longer with us as Hurricane Harvey hit it pretty much head-on when it first made landfall. Jerk.
Here’s work for one of Houston’s boomingest master-planned communities.
In addition to a very popular mixed-use complex with shops and restaurants, Towne Lake’s big selling point is the massive recreational lake that runs throughout the community.
Award-winning outdoor boards for University of Houston Continuing Education.
The campaign proved so successful that the division, formally operating happily under the radar of the college’s administration, became a budgetary resource for other university initiatives and was ultimately closed down. Yes, I apparently killed a whole school. I must learn to harness my power for good…
Teaser-y ads for the largest-y, most modern-y Volvo dealership in Texas.
Outdoor and other stuff for one of the fastest growing urgent cares in Houston.
The first three ads are an award-winning campaign for the leading Right of Way company in the country. The next three are a vision of what could have been. They didn’t end up running the Field Notes ads but I include them because I think they exhibit some mighty fine, and fun, ad writing.
Way before avocado toast became a thing with people, Avoderm pet food was unleashing the power of avocados for dogs and cats. I may or may not have tried it myself and it may or may not be delicious. Also, that’s me on VO in the radio spot.
Print ads that are part of an overall rebranding campaign for the nation’s second most popular fiber cement siding brand. Total package included tagline, website, brochures and trade show booth graphics.
These award-winning spots feature real people and their real stories of rebuilding after wildfires in Bastrop devastated their homes and lives.